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Narrative intro

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This portfolio is a representation of the work that I have done for the Introduction to the Minor in Writing course. Throughout the semester, we were asked to choose a piece of our own writing and change components of it through a series of three different experiments. In each experiment, we were challenged to flesh out a new component of the origin piece and develop that component into its own project. After completing all three experiments, I developed one of my experiments into a fully realized project. 


My origin piece is a piece that I wrote for a club application where I elucidate my interests and passions. I move back in time to when I was a little girl and I had so many questions about the world around me. There is an element of naivety and curiosity embedded in my origin piece which I hope resonates with other people. Throughout my origin piece, I highlight my academic and personal reasons for wanting to pursue a career in dentistry. My three experiments from my origin piece include an audio journal entry, a zine and a spec script. 

My first experiment is an audio journal about feelings of insecurity and self doubt. I draw on the aspect of my origin piece where I talk about having scoliosis and how being diagnosed with scoliosis was an unsettling experience. The journal entry is dated in 2015 and takes me back to a time when I was about 11 years old. At this age, I felt the weight of imperfection in my life and scoliosis contributed to those feelings. Soon, I would learn that adaptability and self-confidence at those times is an essential life skill. 

For my second experiment, I wanted to highlight a more lighthearted aspect of my origin piece. My origin piece includes anecdotes from when I was younger which display my interest in science. There is a part of my origin piece where I talk about a time when my middle school science class was dissecting frogs and I asked my teacher if I could do the dissection without wearing gloves. Initially, she laughed and did not take my proposition seriously, but when she realized I was being serious, she reluctantly agreed. This zine is intended to be an amusing interaction that I had with my science teacher where I displayed my curiosity in the classroom. 

My third experiment is a spec script for Grey’s Anatomy. All of the directions that I tell the actor to do simulate what I would tell myself to do if I was in the situation of the actor. I have been obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy since middle school. I made the commitment to watching the show in middle school when a friend recommended it to me and I have remained committed through all 19 seasons. Throughout my script, I’ve included anecdotes from my own life. I elucidate feelings of Imposter Syndrome and hope to demonstrate that high-achieving can still be affected by Imposter Syndrome. I hope to normalize this phenomenon and resonate with my readers. I love both the medicine and the drama infused into the show, and I hope I preserved both of those aspects in my script. 

For my fully realized project, I decided to develop my zine from my second experiment. I developed this zine by making it longer and giving it more depth. This zine focuses on my interest in medicine and different memories I have surrounding my interest. I hope you enjoy reading my ePortfolio!

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